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Empowering SME’s one story at a time

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Small Business News, Article, Tips, and Inspiration

The Next Step Small Business Magazine, launched in July 2021, was born out of the recognition of the crucial need to showcase and promote the activities of small businesses. The initiative was propelled by the Small Business Magazine, which aimed to bring to light the endeavors of these enterprises and, in extension, Next Step itself. Operating as an online-based publication, it serves as a platform for disseminating news about the activities of small businesses to our members, customers, employees, and individuals with a vested interest. The primary objective is to attract attention to small businesses, shed light on their endeavors within a social sphere, and offer valuable content to the broader community.

Since its inception, the Small Business Magazine has featured and spotlighted over 20 small and medium-sized businesses across diverse industries, providing them with a valuable platform to showcase their products and services. The magazine initially started as a single-page publication and evolved into a multipage issue, intricately detailing the diverse world of small businesses across the region.

The ultimate goal of the Small Business Magazine is to enhance brand awareness for Next Step Small Business Group and its array of product offerings. Simultaneously, it strives to maintain favourable relationships with members of the community, fostering a loyal customer base and contributing to the growth and success of the small business ecosystem.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a dynamic online platform that showcases and celebrates the triumphs, challenges, and innovations within the small business community.